Who We Are?
The founders

Quentin N.
I am 26 and I was born in Liège. I recently finished a master in Digital Marketing at HEC Management School . There I also had the opportunity to make an international exchange in Santiago de Chile. Furthermore I spent three years in the local ESN section, including a year as president.
All these experiences gave me a pretty good overall picture of what international students may be facing while abroad. Therefore I decided to create Eras’must to cope with these difficulties and to make these students’ life fun and easier.
Optimistic and always joking around, people also use to say I’m someone dynamic, available and open-minded.
I know going abroad alone for a long time can be scary at first. However I have no doubt you will live one of the best experience of your life!

Quentin C.
My name is Quentin and I am a travel enthusiast from Belgium. My passion for the international started right after the secondary school, when I moved to California in order to learn English, aged 18.
After one year spent abroad, I studied economics and management in Liège and then in Brussels. During my time at the university, I had the opportunity to study abroad in Taipei (Taiwan). I also did two different internships: the first one in San Francisco (USA) and the second one in Salvador da Bahia (Brazil), where I learned Portuguese.
Strong of those international experiences among totally different cultures and environments, I am now feeling confortable about my ability to help and assist other international students in their first “far away from home” adventure
The company
Eras’must is a young and dynamic company that aims at facilitating the integration and maximizing the overall experience of international students in Liège. The concept was born in Quentin N.’s mind a few years ago. In fact, after three years spent as a member of the ESN (Erasmus Student Network) at HEC Liège and an international exchange in Santiago de Chile, he noticed that some of the international students’ primary needs were not properly addressed. Back in October 2016, Quentin N. developed his ideas with the support of a well-known start-ups incubator called VentureLab. There, he could benefit from the help and wise advice of many cross-sectoral professionals who guided him to make his dream a reality.
In February 2017, another Quentin joined the team to finally create the company Eras’must. Being Quentin N.’s childhood friend and having strong international experiences, Quentin C. seemed to be the right person to help Quentin N. bringing his project to the next level.
Since then, both Quentin work very closely with universities, local ESN and many other partners in order to achieve their mission: help international students to enjoy their stay in Liège as much as possible. Hence their slogan “Live it to the fullest !”.